Friday, January 18, 2013

Bruno | 7 months

This boy is beautiful. He pulls himself dizzy across the floor, and is drawn particularly to the bathroom and the kitchen trash can: two places that I will not vouch for the cleanliness of. He screeches when he gets excited about something, says "da da da da da" contentedly after nursing in the middle of night, and loves nothing more than trying ever so earnestly to get as near as possible to his big, oh-so-cool brother. He is wary of new situations and new people, but warms up quickly. Mama is still his favorite, duh, but dada has THE coolest glasses, which Bruno would like to have for himself, and let's face it no one can compete with Sebastian, who readily makes him giggle and guffaw like no one else.

So I guess you could say we're pretty happy around here, and delighted beyond comprehension over this growing boy.

P.S. For the curious, he's now nicely in the 75th percentile, so hefty in a moderate way now. Naturally, mama still affectionately refers to him as "fat man" at least once daily.


  1. Oh my word! 7 months? Truly, I can hardly believe it. He is so adorable, Mary! I love his big, open-mouthed smile!

    1. thanks, em! that last picture was yet another attempt at getting a picture of him as goofy as that one of seb that you love. cody keeps asking me if i'm trying hard to get one, haha!

  2. Liar. Your baby is not, cannot be, 7 months old.

    1. I KNOOOOW! he is killing me with how much he can do. he is babbling up a storm, is almost sitting, and as you read, is scooting everywhere!! i cannot believe it.
