Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Home | Toby the Tortoise Returns & Other things.

Cody has a night class on Tuesdays, so it's just me and Seb in the evening (He still thinks DaDa is way cooler, though). So tonight we went on a long walk, snuggled on the couch after his bath, Seb in his cozy dinosaur sleeper, and watched Disney's Silly Symphonies. He couldn't stop giggling during Toby the Tortoise Returns, and true to form, danced to the music.

On a broader scale, I've been working diligently on life goals. Nothing earth-shattering, but things that I need to make habitual, like fitness, having a meaningful bible study time, investing in friendships, and staying off the computer while Seb is awake. On Sunday, our pastor challenged the congregation to ask ourselves a few questions. One of which was, "What do you think constitutes a fulfilled, happy and meaningful life?" Well that's a lot to think about right there, but then he went a step further and said that although our answers to this question may sound good and right, the way to really know what your answer is to this question is to see where you are investing your time and your thoughts.

Frankly, I invest a lot of time in this blog, and since I'm not getting paid to do it, there is only so much energy that I should be pouring into my latest blog post. But it should be something fun, and something through which I can occasionally share beautiful discoveries and thoughts on life, and not something that causes me to stop living and investing in things that have eternal value.

Then tonight I spent two frenzied hours cleaning our apartment. It needed it BAD. Now I'm feeling loads better about lots of things, and hope this will be the start of me maintaining a more acceptable state of cleanliness and organization.

What have you been up to lately?

The major downside to me not blogging as much is that I have a growing list of things I want to share with you. So here is a little collection of nice nice things.

What do you think of this MOD CO-SLEEPER CONCEPT?


Attention New Yorkers: Please take THIS CLASS for me!


Cloth vs. Disposable, A COST COMPARISON.

INDIANFEBER. I've got it, too.

images via google

1 comment:

  1. What a great post!

    I've been trying to think about what it means to be a good wife (my first calling) while being a good student (almost but not quite as important), especially with how many hours James is working. What do I do when I both have to clean our apartment and write a paper? Especially if the apartment has been messy for a while, or I really just *don't* want to write a paper? It's tricky, as all life is...
