Thursday, May 3, 2012

Home | The 4 of us at 33 weeks

I think it's safe to say that we're all dog-tired around here. It's 88 degrees today and nearly impossible to stay cool. I think I might have scared Cody a little by how adamant I was that 77 was the highest possible temperature I could endure in our apartment. It might have been the great detail I went into about how essential it was for my well-being and, and I might have thrown in something about "If you want me to keep having your babies..."

I had a prenatal appointment today and found out that I have to go to UNC for an ultrasound tomorrow to check the amniotic fluid level. It would appear that I have too much. Praying for good results, because if I have way too much, I won't be able to have this little man at the birthing center. The hospital is the place to be for a high risk birth. Not so nervous about the hospital part, but the high-risk-birth part? Apparently when you have too much amniotic fluid, it's much more likely that the cord will get between the head and cervix during delivery. And if it turns out that I don't have too much amniotic fluid, someone will have to tell me why I'm measuring at 35 weeks. This baby is coming early, folks. I can feel it. Let's just hope he's not born in our car in the mountains of Virginia...

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