Monday, July 23, 2012

Home | Life lately (Not according to my iPhone. Don't let the "blur effects" fool you. Those are Seb's fingerprints on the camera lense...)

One & Two
Cody is unanimously voted "best dad ever."

Wednesday evening brought a delightful dose of the stomach flu to my door, and to Cody's on Friday. God bless Miss "Edie" (that's Katie, in case you missed it) for coming to watch Sebastian on Thursday morning so I could sleep. It was a rough second half to our week, Friday being the worst day for me since Bruno was born—it was ugly, I was ugly—but Saturday was the best day since he was born. How that happens, I don't know, but it was a good reminder that God is present in every day, even the worst ones, and... sing it with me, please... "The sun'll come out tomorrow!"

On Saturday Sebastian learned to climb out of his crib. He had done it once months ago, but was left a little traumatized and had stayed firmly put thereafter. Not so this time! Cody stared him down at nap time until he went to sleep, and that seemed to do the trick. We've had no more escaping when he's supposed to be sleeping. Hallelujah! And yes, that is a boppy you see. Sebastian insists on sleeping with it. It's a good thing I find them to be entirely worthless for nursing.

This was Bruno yesterday after a diaper change. He is sporting his favorite outfit, which knocks him out cold because, you know, it's exhausting looking so rad. Thanks, Nanny!
Fact: Linen is the cutest and the comfiest of fabrics.

Six & Seven
That's not an optical illusion you see! I am, indeed, doing a bit of crafting again. It's good to be back. This Saturday I'm co-hosting a baby shower for my upstairs neighbor and I couldn't be more excited. It helps that the invites remind me a bit of Harry Potter, and that I got to use the chicken pencil that my friend Emily got me years ago. Book showers are the bomb-diggity.

Weight loss is calling my name. This is the delightful and enormous cup of green tea that I am imbibing as I type. High fives for skipping the coffee (and sugar and cream). Notice the reflection? That's our laundry drying. Saving money on electricity is also calling my name, so we've even started air drying our diapers, which takes foooorrreeevvvveeeerrrrr. Wendy, I think flats are sounding better all the time. How's that going for you?

We went to the library this morning. You know, me, Seb and Bruno.
Joke's on me.
I want to say, "Never doing that again." But we know it would be a lie.
P.S. In case you're worried that we're enriching our minds too much, have no fear. We came home with about 6 movies, too. Yes, 6.

1 comment:

  1. You are a trooper! I can't stand the stomach flu at any time, but suffering through it with a new baby would probably put me in the crazyhouse
