Saturday, September 6, 2014

A bit of our apartment

We had guests over for dinner tonight, so it was a great excuse to attack all those little corners of mess we've had going on for the last week and a half and really get a portion of our apartment looking somewhat finished (the other half... not so much). I know my mom has been itching to see more pictures of our progress, so I give you a very humble and partial home tour! We really love this apartment. The floor plan feels great and spacious, and the floors, walls, and all the little details—even the smell—remind me of my grandma's Florida house that we would visit when we were little. I loved that house, so this apartment, though old, and definitely not my on-paper idea of a perfect apartment feels very nostalgic and homey to me. And isn't the process of taking a blank slate, with all of it's imperfections and oddities, and making the best of a it a really fun thing? I'm not looking for greener grass, I'm happy to take care of the oddly shaped and sort of brown garden plot I've been given.


  1. Love it!! I can't wait to see more pictures! Does it feel much more spacious compared to Germany? Or is it about the same? It looks lovely and open!

    1. thanks kaite! it feels much more spacious, and does have a bit more square footage. Mostly it's the floorplan i think. a good floor plan make such a big difference!

  2. Hallo Mary. Hallo Cody. Hallo Sebastian und Bruno.

    Es freut uns sehr das ihr endlich in Texas angekommen seid und dass ihr euch schon eingerichtet habt und ihr euch wohlfühlt.
    Haben eure Mail aus Berlin erhalten und uns sehr gefreut dass ihr die kleine Reise genossen habt.
    Ich habe euch auf die Mailadresse ein paar Mal geantwortet. Ich habe euch auch ein Link zu den Bilder (Unser letzter gemeinsamer Tag, sowie Bilder vom Laufrad und von den Helmen) geschickt.

    Da ihr bis jetzt nicht geantwortet habt vermute ich, dass die Mails in den Spam-Ordner gelandet sind.
    Bitte schaut noch einmal nach. Falls die Mails nicht da sind schickt mir bitte eine gültige Mailadresse wo ich euch errreichen kann.

    Liebe Grüße Familie Wagner
