Tuesday, May 17, 2011

blue. green. gingham.

Ok. Let's face it, I'm probs not getting either color (b/c $$) but hypothetically, which color should I get? Or better yet, which color would you get? I am really into gingham right now. And ooo... with the perfect jeans? Jeans are my answer to every fashion question. And gingham?



  1. Wow. i love this shirt.
    I def vote for the green... just added to my never-to-be-fulfilled anthro wish list. haha

    Here is a slightly cheaper, but still expensive version at lands end:

  2. Green...
    I was inspired by the catalogue image featuring this skirt and paired my br shirt with a loud floral pencil skirt. This shirt is also cheaper than the antrho...


  3. thanks, guys! bethany, you totally need to start a fashion blog. everything you put on pinterest is so awesome. i've always thought i couldn't pair chambray with jeans, but thanks to you, i'm totally going to do it once i get a chambray top. seriously, fashion and literature with a french flair now and then. best. blog. ever.
