Monday, January 30, 2012

21 weeks & 2 days

I can't exactly balance my cup on my stomach without assistance, but we're getting there. At times it seems that this pregnancy is flying. And then I have to remind myself that I still have quite a ways to go. Most agree that the second trimester is the easiest time in a pregnancy, and I would have to agree, although I still have bouts of exhaustion that come out of nowhere, and sleeping extra doesn't seem to help. My days have been filled with lots of reading about birth, taking Seb for walks, him trying to convince me that it's way more fun to just run around instead of riding in the stroller for an hour—it's not, Seb, it's just not (I love that kid)—and doing battle with my grocery budget. It's getting warmer here, and that's always a reason to rejoice. I'm looking forward to when the mornings get a little less chilly, and Seb and I can just throw on light jackets and go out right after breakfast. We could do that now, but I've become such a weather wimp.

In other news, I am almost giddy about the women's retreat that I'll be going on this weekend, although I get so sad when I think of leaving Seb for the weekend. Thankfully my in-laws will be coming to help take care of the little guy, and it makes me feel better knowing how much fun he is going to have, and that Cody will be able to get some work done, too. Have you ever been on a women's retreat? I still feel almost funny that I'm going, since for some reason or another I still feel like a college girl. You're not in college anymore, Mary. I'm hoping that it will be a time filled with good fellowship, and honestly, a lot of time on my own to read and write. This girl needs to figure out some life-things, and pray about what it's going to be like to have two wonderful bubs. Do you have more than one child? Any advice or things I should think about? Thanks to the friends who have already given me encouragement and advice. Keep it coming, please! Or even if you just have or will have one child soon, anything that you've been thinking about?

Thanks, Katie, for your post this morning. I'm still in my yoga pants!

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