Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Husband | Three years

Three years, two babies, and one happy lady.

I know this is kind of an odd photo choice for an anniversary post, but I picked it because it shows so well just what I love about being married to Cody and how I love the everyday with him. He is one of the most selfless people I know, never hesitating to change every single dirty diaper, feeding Seb breakfast, taking him outside in these days when I can barely walk 3 feet without getting winded, looking totally smokin’ in his new glasses, and always keeping a scruffy face just for me (unless I accidentally shave one of his sideburns off...). He is mellow when I’m flipping out, and laughs at my jokes, even the self-deprecating ones that fly out of my mouth with reckless abandon during pregnancy (I know this sounds bad, but seriously, I feel better when I’m frank about how I feel, even If I don’t look the way I feel). He is the best dad and the best husband, and I am so blessed to have him as the leader of our family, and can’t to see what the future years hold.


  1. Happy anniversary Mary! I can't believe it's been three years... and so fruitful too. :D I never worry about either of you because I know you have the other.

    1. aw audree that is the sweetest thing to say. and yes, very fruitful, haha. for our anniversary we stayed at the robert's hotel, and i definitely had a little laugh as we were checking in and thinking that i've been enormously pregnant for 2 out of our 3 anniversaries... haha!

  2. I really like his glasses and I am really thankful that Cody has a WONDERFUL, pretty wife.
