And don't let Bruno fool you... he's not completely bald yet. He's keeping some nice fringe in the back, just to spice things up a bit. I'll really be kind of sad to see it go as it's the last remnant of his newborn hair.
Goodness, I love seeing all their new things and they way they're growing into the men they're supposed to be, but I also just wish I could freeze time. So much. Seb stumbled out of his room tonight after he'd already gone to bed, and fallen asleep, and said, "Wo-wo?" Which means harmonica, obviously. He wanted to take his wo-wo to bed with him, so it joined him, his blanket, his pacifier, his soccer ball and football, his Boppy pillow, and his snuffles bear named Blueberry. Oh, and a few books, too. We're going to have to get him a bigger bed!
You are one gorgeous, happy mama! :)