Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Nightstand, VOLUME FOUR

Lest you think my neglect of The Nightstand posts means I just don't read anymore, I promise you that I still read, and offer these titles to you as proof: My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse (I'm read the next one now), and for the mama's: Fit to Burst by Rachel Jankovic.

So those are my grown up recommendations for grown ups, but here are my grown up recommendations for kids. It always surprises me when we get a book from the library that is gosh darn awful, like this one, which only serve to encourage disobedience and unattractive behavior. I'm all about nurturing creativity and imagination, but not at the expense of my child's development. But I guess those books serve to enhance my excitement when we stumble on the gems of children's literature.

A few of our favorites these last 2 weeks are Terrific and Nothing, by Jon Agee (I love this man!!!), and White Snow, Bright Snow by Alivin Tresselt. With each of these, I found myself surprised at how they captured Seb's imagination. He loves them, and asks to read them over and over. At one point in White Snow, Bright snow, he tries to push the piles of snow off the fence in one of the illustrations. He says, "I can't push it off!" After lots of kisses because it was so darn cute, I explained to him that's it's just a picture, but that's it's fun to pretend that we can push it off. What is it about snow?

I would recommend these books for the 2+ age range. Any favorites in your house, recently? Do share, my friends!

P.S. How did I forget?! I'm also loving The Critter Books by Mercer Mayer.

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