Monday, June 9, 2014

Eis is the Brezel of Summer

We were the happy recipients of a heatwave yesterday, so the boys celebrated by filling up the kiddie pool outside. I brought them icecream after I did a few things inside and then Cody and I chatted about the tension between being a mom and being other things. After I verbally sorted out my thoughts, Cody very wisely said that if women focus first on being godly women, how to be the best kind of mother, friend, wife, sister, daughter, and individual will be easier to grasp and maintain, regardless of how that looks. I love that, and I am so thankful for the moms I know that are living this out and providing a real-life example of what that can look like.

I am eagerly looking forward to more days like this. It has been glorious soaking up the sun and letting the boys play with water and sand at the park. I have been loving my new shorts and sandals, and am thankful for a fun city to walk to, in, and around. And despite the fact that our daily lives will look very different in Texas, I am thrilled that we are moving to a warm climate! Warm weather + young kids is the best combo ever. In equally thrilling news (to me), we got a new budget app for my phone to compliment our budget system, which has taken a huge weight off my shoulders and made keeping track of our money that much easier and streamlined. I mean like, I buy something, enter the purchase into my phone, and bam—donezo. Oh and if I want to buy something, say a pair of shoes or something, but don't know if I have enough money in my clothing budget, I just open the app on my phone and can see exactly how much I have! Dear YNAB app, I love you. This, plus the fact that Bruno is back to his bed after bunking with us for quite a while is making life grand. Our brains have been buzzing with plans, ideas, and upcoming changes. I'm so glad the sunshine is now along for the ride.

In other news, this post on highly sensitive parents that I linked to last week turned out to be quite popular. Go here if you fall under this category and have tips to share or questions you'd like answered. I am thrilled to see that Megan is planning to share more tips and resources for highly sensitive parents in the future. Kind of unrelated... I really like this archived post from Megan's husband about being faithful in the little things of caring for our home and our belongings.

Is it summer where you live yet? I am enjoying the change in season more than ever before. I think it might have something to do with Seb and Bruno being a bit older. Carrying babies around is wonderful, but admittedly more difficult in the heat!


  1. It was 90 and humid here today, and I have to admit I hid inside most of the day. But since it'll be like this all summer, I need a new game plan! What do you use for sunscreen and bug spray for the boys (or have you not had to deal with the latter much)? I don't want to slather Mollie in chemicals, but we did choose to live in a swamp :P.

    1. Anna, I was just saying to Cody tonight that this last bit that we have in Germany is growing me up in a way I didn't expect. I am okay/becoming okay with being outside all day in sticky hot hot hot weather. (I'm still trying to convince my hair that it's okay, though!) We have used Badger sunscreen with great success. It's super natural, too. Since we only have about one application left in the tube and can't get it in Germany, I just bought a new tube of a German brand today. I referenced this blog post to make sure it didn't have any ingredients in it that make it toxic:

      I've also been really diligent about making the boys where hats. Now to get one for me! : )
      We haven't messed with bug spray and I must say I have no idea what to do about that! If you find anything, I'd love to hear about it!
